From the Manual Of Tropical And Subtropical Fruits
by Wilson Popenoe

The Mango


The best site for the mango orchard is one which has good drainage together with soil of such nature that it will dry out thoroughly when no rain falls for a few weeks. In regions where the soil is deep and the trees consequently grow to large size, they should not be set closer than 35 by 35 feet. There are a few dwarf varieties, such as D'Or, which can be set much closer than this, but most of the Indian kinds ultimately make trees of good size. G. Marshall Woodrow recommends planting 20 by 20 feet, but in America this has not been found a good practice. Closer planting than 30 by 30 feet is undesirable except with dwarf varieties. Seedlings grow to larger size than budded or grafted trees, and need proportionately more space. On deep soils they will usually come to crowd each other in time if planted less than 40 or 45 feet apart.

April and May are considered the best months for planting in Florida. Midsummer planting is, however, much more successful than with the avocado. The principal point to be observed is the condition of the young tree at the time of planting. If it is not in active growth, it can be set at almost any season of the year, provided the weather is warm. In India it is recommended to plant at the beginning of the rainy season.

Holes 2 to 3 feet broad and deep should be prepared in advance of planting. Woodrow recommends that 20 pounds of fresh bones be placed in the bottom of each hole before filling in the soil. In Florida a small amount of commercial fertilizer is commonly used. The object in preparing the holes is the same as in planting other fruits, viz., to loosen the subsoil so that the roots can develop readily in all directions, and to place in the ground a supply of food for the young tree. It is sometimes recommended that stable manure be incorporated with the soil; this is a desirable practice, but it should be kept in mind that stable manure is not, generally speaking, suitable for bearing mango trees.

Well-grown budded or grafted trees, when shipped from the nursery, are eighteen inches to three feet in height, with stems one-half inch in thickness. They should be stocky and straight, with foliage of rich green color. Inarched trees are sometimes weak, crooked, and may have poor unions. While many inarched trees are produced and planted in certain parts of the world, notably in India, they seem much less desirable than the sturdy budded trees grown in the nurseries of Florida.

As soon as the young trees have been planted in the field, they should be shaded with a light framework covered with burlap or other cheap material. Palm leaves and pine boughs may be used for this purpose. The trees should, of course, be watered liberally as soon as they are planted, and in most regions the ground around the base of each should be mulched with straw or other loose material.

During the first four or five years, the trees should be encouraged to make vigorous rapid growth. After that the aim of the orchardist is to make them produce good crops of fruit. The object of early culture is, therefore, distinct from that of later years and somewhat different methods are required. The young growing tree can be given both water and fertilizer in liberal quantities; the mature tree, on the other hand, must be encouraged to flower and fruit by withholding water and fertilizer during certain portions of the year.

It must be admitted that the cultural requirements of the mango are not yet thoroughly understood. Varieties differ greatly in their reaction to the stimulus of tillage, irrigation, and manuring. A thorough study has not yet been made of the requirements even of a single variety. Horticulturists in India have devoted a limited amount of attention to the subject; but the mango seems to differ so markedly from other fruits which have been subjected to systematic cultivation that much further study will be needed before its habits are thoroughly understood.

The amount and character of tillage given to the orchard varies in different regions. In most parts of the tropics little attention is given to the mature tree. The soil beneath its spreading branches is often firmly packed down by the hoofs of domestic animals; or weeds may be allowed to grow unchecked. Needless to say, such treatment has little to recommend it. In Florida the land is sometimes given shallow cultivation during part of the year, and at other seasons leguminous cover-crops may be grown upon it, particularly if the orchard is not yet of bearing age. It is evident that the amount of nitrogenous fertilizer required by bearing groves is small. Over-stimulation results in vigorous development of foliage but no fruit.

Growers of grafted mangos in India resort to various expedients to check the vegetative activity of the tree and encourage the development of fruit. Thomas Firminger
1 says: "The mango, like all other fruit trees, is much benefited by having the earth around it removed, and the roots left exposed for a space of two or three weeks. This should be done in November, and in December the roots should be well supplied with manure, and then covered in again with entirely fresh earth, and not that which had been previously removed." Woodrow notes that "the mango growers near Mazagon, Bombay, who produced such famous fruit before the land was occupied with cotton mills, applied ten pounds of salt to each tree at the end of September; this would arrest growth in October and November, and encourage the formation of flower buds. In a moist climate, and the intervening ground occupied with irrigated crops, this system is highly commendable, but with a dry climate it is unnecessary."

The failure of many varieties to fruit abundantly is often attributed to imperfect pollination, attacks of insect pests, and other causes which are discussed in a later paragraph. It seems probable that too much emphasis has in the past been placed on these factors, and that the problem is largely a physiological one, connected with the nutrition of the tree. It is for this reason that the two quotations above are illuminative. They show that the nutritional problem has been recognized by early students of mango culture; yet no one has taken up the subject in sufficient detail to master it.
1 Manual of Gardening for India.

The mango requires less water than the avocado, although young trees are benefited by frequent irrigations. In Florida, old mango trees will be found growing and fruiting in fence corners and abandoned gardens where they have to depend entirely on rainfall. They are much more successful under such conditions than the avocado. Orchards of budded or grafted trees are rarely irrigated after the trees have attained a few years' growth. In other regions treatment must be different. In California, for example, irrigation should be practiced as with citrus fruits. J. E. Higgins remarks concerning Hawaii: "Liberal moisture must be supplied to the roots, from 50 to 70 inches per year being required, according to the retentive power of the soil and the rate of evaporation. In the case of bearing trees the heaviest irrigation should be given from the time when the flower buds are about to open until several weeks after the fruiting is over, withholding large amounts of water during two or three months preceding the flowering season." Regarding India, Woodrow says: "When fruiting age is attained there need be no necessity for irrigation from the time the rain ceases in September till after the flowers have 'set,' that is, till the young fruit appears; thereafter, irrigation over the area covered by the branches once in fifteen days or so is desirable while the fruit is increasing in size, but may be discontinued when ripening approaches."

All writers point out the necessity of applying a check to vegetative growth previous to the flowering season. Ringing and hacking the trunk are two of the commonest practices, while root-pruning is occasionally performed in India. Recent experiments indicate that a liberal application of potash is extremely beneficial. Mulgoba trees at Miami, Florida, and Guanajay, Cuba, which were heavily fertilized with potash, produced much larger crops than those fertilized in the ordinary way. A standard commercial fertilizer especially prepared in Florida for use on mango trees contains:

Ammonia5 to 6 %
Phosphoric acid7 to 9 %
Potash9 to 11%

These elements are derived from ground bone, nitrate of soda, dried blood, dissolved bone black, and high-grade potash salts.

Woodrow recommends for India that young trees be fertilized liberally with barnyard manure; but he adds that as soon as they come into bearing the application of manure must be stopped, and leguminous cover-crops planted between the rows. These crops can be plowed under, thereby enriching the soil in the necessary degree and at the same time keeping down weeds. The best legumes for this purpose, according to Wood-row, are Crotalaria juncea, Cicer arietinum, Phaseolus aconiti-folius, and Phaseolus Mungo. P. J. Wester says, "The velvet bean (Stizolobium Deeringianum), Lyon bean (Mucuna Lyoni), the cowpea (Vigna Catjang) and related species may be used with good success in the Philippines. Of these the Lyon bean is preferable in the Philippines, since here it produces a greater amount of growth per acre than any other legume." In Florida velvet beans, cowpeas, and the bonavist bean (Dolichos Lablab) have been used. Growers should plant a number of different legumes experimentally to determine which are the best for their particular localities.

Numerous experiments to test the effectiveness of girdling and root-pruning have been made at the Porto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station. C. F. Kinman reports of them:

"Girdling, branch pruning, and root pruning are common practices, but they should be used with caution and moderation, as a tree may easily be so severely injured as to prevent its bearing for one or more seasons. Pruning back the ends of the branches to induce blossoming has been practiced with good results at the station. In the operation, from a few inches to a foot of the end of the branch was removed, depending upon the stage of maturity of the wood, leaving a few nodes from which the leaves had not fallen. From these nodes blossoms developed profusely, no blossoms appearing on untreated branches. To secure best results, the pruning should be done in the late summer or fall, several months before the blossoming time. This method should be employed on branches which are too low or too crowded or on those which would have to be removed later to improve the shape of the tree, as after a branch is pruned it makes little growth for several weeks or months or even for a year or more after the fruit ripens, and by this time it may be well overgrown by surrounding branches.

"As good results have been obtained from girdling as from other methods. A branch one to three inches in diameter was selected on each of a number of trees and a band of bark removed in September. These branches produced good crops the following spring, even when no fruits at all were borne on the remainder of the tree. Such favorable results, however, were obtained on varieties which are inclined to bear well and where the band of bark removed was wide enough to prevent the new bark from growing over the area too rapidly. Bands one-eighth and even one-quarter of an inch in diameter were overgrown so quickly that no effect was seen on the branch. Bands from one-half to three-quarters of an inch produce the best results, as they do not heal over until after the blossoming season, the callus growing downward over the wound at the rate of one inch a year. ... As removing enough bark to induce fruiting is very injurious to the branch, this practice is most profitably employed on undesirable branches which are to be removed later.

"Root pruning has been recommended, although no definite results have been noted from the experiments with it. It is best accomplished by cutting into the soil with a sharp spade about two feet inside the tips of the branches. In extreme cases the cutting may encircle the tree to a depth of eight or ten inches in heavy soil and even deeper in light soil where the root system is considerably below the surface. Cutting at such intervals as to sever the roots for one-half to two-thirds of the distance around the tree will induce blossoming under normal conditions without seriously checking the growth or thrift of the tree."

Experience in Florida has shown that girdling, to be effective, must be done in late summer. No one yet has had sufficient experience to recommend it as an orchard practice. Like root-pruning, the use of salt, and several other unusual practices, it may prove of decided value when its proper method of use has been determined. Every grower should conduct a few carefully arranged experiments along such lines as these, even though on a limited scale.

In India, the only pruning usually given the mango consists in cutting out dead wood. Since the fruit is produced at the ends of the branchlets, general pruning of the top cannot be practiced as with northern fruits. In Florida, however, several growers have found it desirable to prune out a certain number of branches from the center of the tree, so as to keep the crown open and admit light and air.

The Mango
Botanical Description
History and Distribution
Composition And Uses Of The Fruit
Climate And Soil
The Mango Flower And Its Pollination
The Crop
Pests And Diseases
Races and Varieties

Back to
The Mango Page


Popenoe, Wilson. Manual Of Tropical And Subtropical Fruits. 1920, London, Hafner Press, 1974.

Published 22 June 2018 LR
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